1). Observe a fully operational writing center
2). Talk with staff to learn the benefits of the center to students and teachers
3). Find out the qualities of a successful center
4). Find out how to make the writing center viable for all content areas
5). Brainstorm ideas for next year
6). Learn about recruitment and training of tutors
7). Learn about the use of outside resources: volunteers, pre-service teachers, etc.
8). Learn about sharing the resources of the center with articles for and by staff? How frequent?
9). Find out how contests are promoted.
10). Learn about cost of operation as well as other unseen areas to be aware of
11). Find out about all-school student publications (anthologies, etc.) and the writing center’s role in creating and publishing them.
If the teachers I bring with me are impressed with the effectiveness and potential of the center, there is an excellent chance for a writing center here next year. If not, I don't see The Write Place continuing. All I can hope for is that the teachers actually show up for the visit. Much has gone into the planning including numerous phone calls to the other site, arrangements on their end for teachers to visit with us and arrangements on my end to meet everyone's schedules. Already, however, as I brought driving information to teachers this morning, one person was "so stressed out" she doesn't think she will go. Not to mention the department chair - not going because she has been out of the classroom too much lately...but I'm going to hope that I have the right combination going from the school and just move forward from that point.