Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Advertising/Drumming Up Business

No feedback on my introductory letter except from administration. I met with one of the on-site coaches today and she gave me some ideas of teams or individuals who might want ideas on how to use writing more effectively in their content areas. One request is for feedback to a student writing an article for the first edition of the school newspaper based on the Robert Frost poem, "Nothing Gold Can Stay." I'm told the student intends to talk a little about the poem's use in the novel, The Outsiders, and then relate the poem's message to the move of her school onto the site of another closed school. An interesting idea, and I'm looking forward to meeting with her tomorrow - my first customer! The newspaper's advisor is also willing to run an article on The Write Place in the first edition of the paper

I have a meeting set up for next week with a group of 3 Phys Ed teachers who are looking for ways to infuse writing into their classes. I'm going to have to think about that.

Next steps: Perhaps posting a question for students to write to and drop off in the writing center - I had intended to do this soon but wasn't sure what I'd do with the I'm thinking that maybe some of those replies could be posted in the 1st edition of the newspaper?

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